Yes, I know I am the last one that post the outline to here, so I want to apologize to everyone that I am late.
“A camera with a view” is based on the emergence of JenniCAM and using it as the case study. For tomorrow’s presentation, I will not repeat the background of JenniCAM which Wesley has covered in today’s seminar. The content which I will summarize to you as follows:
- How Jenni integrates flesh and machine in:
- the formation and display of a cyborg subjectivity
- a hybridized identity (re)presented through the new technology of the digital camera - How the feminist film theory demonstrate that:
- the construction and display of the female body by the medium of digital camera
- transforms our readings of gendered bodies as sites of knowledge production and
As my first time to present the summary of an article in three mins, the most difficult task for me is that, to summarize the long article. There are many information the author want to tell us, it is really hard to accept or reject some points. I have to abandon some points to present. In this regard, afther this time, I think I need to improve to skill of summarizing, and also the skill of time management. Lastly, I would like to say thanks for all my lovely classmates' attention.